

What Data Does Upscope Store?

Here's a breakdown of the type of data that we store and how long we retain it.

Never sent to Upscope

This data never leaves your visitor's browser, and is never touched by Upscope, unless you are using our universal proxy to co-browse on websites Upscope is not installed on.

  • The content of your visitor's webpage until screen sharing is initiated and is authorized by the visitor, or until a screenshot is triggered (if enabled)

  • Any page content masked with the no-upscope CSS class or specified in your general settings

  • Your visitor's cookies or browser storage content

  • If console access is enabled, the content of your visitor's console until screen sharing is initiated
    (If console access is disabled, the data does not leave the visitor's browser even while screen sharing)

Sent to Upscope for processing (edge)

This data is sent through Upscope's servers but is not stored or even logged by Upscope.

  • The HTML content of your visitor's webpage after screen sharing is initiated until it is stopped

  • If console access is enabled, the content of your visitor's console after screen sharing is initiated until it is stopped

  • All agent instructions such as highlight, scroll, and clicks

  • If integrated with Drift or Intercom, the content of your conversations or your CRM users details

If you are using universal co-browsing proxy:

If you are using our proxy system to co-browse on a website Upscope is not installed on, the following data will be sent to one of our edge locations for proxying purposes:

  • The entire content of all browser requests and responses while in the proxy environment

Cached by Upscope for 24 hours (edge)

This data is stored by Upscope for up to 24 hours for performance improvement reasons.

  • The content of any publicly accessible asset on your website (e.g. stylesheet, image, font, etc)

Stored by Upscope for 7 days (edge)

This data is stored by Upscope for 7 days after it is collected if we enable debugging for your account to troubleshoot problems.

  • List of events to and from the user's browser without the contents. (e.g. we might store a "sent page content" event, without the content of the page)

Stored by Upscope for 30 days (edge)

This data is stored by Upscope for 30 days after the last time the visitor is seen by Upscope, until you delete the data via the dedicated page, or until you delete your account.

  • The visitor's last IP address

  • The visitor's last page view timestamp

  • The visitor's last page view url

  • The visitor's country and city (derived from the IP address, not GPS information)

  • The visitor's device information, such as browser and device type

  • Whether the visitor is currently online

  • Optionally, the visitor's unique ID from your system, provided by you or one of our live chat partners

  • Optionally, the visitor's list of identities (such as their name or email), provided by you or one of our live chat partners

Only if you have the screenshot feature enabled:

If you have enabled the "history collection" feature, we will collect details of the visitor journey and store them on the visitor's browser until they open a live chat conversation, or until the saving is triggered through our Javascript SDK.

The following data is then stored for 30 days or until the visitor is manually deleted.

  • A picture of the page as seen by the visitor at the time the screenshot is taken (data redaction still applies, multiple screenshots could be saved).

  • Details of the visitor's journey such as clicks, things typed in fields, and other data sent through the Javascript SDK.

  • URLs of the last few page views of the visitors.

Stored by Upscope until the account is deleted (USA)

This data is deleted if you decide to stop using Upscope and delete your account.

  • Details about your Upscope usage, such as the number of times you or your agents screen shared, the length of the screen share, the visitor ID. No screen share content is included in this.

  • IP address, unique ID (from your system), and list of identities (such as name or email) of all visitors you have screen shared with, unless you delete the data via the dedicated page.

  • Your credit card details

Stored by Upscope for 1 year after your account deletion (USA)

This data is stored by Upscope for 1 year after your account is deleted, or when you send us a request.

  • All your agents names, emails, phone numbers, IP addresses and all changes to each of their accounts. If the agents are part of multiple teams, this data will be retained as part of the other team

  • All your screen share history, including timestamp, upscope visitor ID, visitor unique ID (unless it looks like an email). No screen share content is logged

  • All the changes made to your account settings

Stored by Upscope indefinitely (USA)

This data will be retained by Upscope indefinitely unless required to delete it by law.

  • Your billing history, such as all payments made

  • Your billing details, such as everything that you'd see on an invoice

  • All your and your agents communications with Upscope, including emails and chat conversations

Where is the data stored?

Most end visitor and co-browsing information is stored / transferred through one of our edge (edge) locations around the world. This makes the experience faster. Unless you restrict which areas we should use, we'll always pick the location closest to the visitor.

Account information is typically stored in our main datacenter near Washington, D.C. (USA)