If your team sells over the phone, 2x your conversion rate today with instant screen sharing!

Reduce the sales cycle by halving the number of calls needed

Stroking chin emoji.

The lesson we learned from our client, applicable to many industries, is to show your client your sales presentation on the first phone call. They may never turn up for the second call you book. The cobrowsing extension does this by avoiding having to set up screensharing and instead instantly viewing and browsing through the presentation with your client, no matter where they are.

Group 593.

By Pardeep

Sales teams using our default HelloScreen Cobrowsing service have reduced the time required to convert a prospect into a customer. Yes, it does also impact the conversion rate but someone can always claim it’s down to x or y other factor. However, what you can’t deny is that showing someone your product on the first call is better than requiring 2 calls to show them. That's what the new cobrowsing extension does at an even faster rate than our regular cobrowsing service.

Here’s the too long didn’t read version of why you’d use the cobrowsing extension

  1. Your prospective client fills in a query about your service (or it’s a lead from another source).

  2. You call the client and rather than booking a further meeting, you offer to send them a link to your presentation immediately.

  3. On clicking the link, a cobrowsing session begins and you both browse through the presentation together.

  4. You build trust and explain the process there and then, without needing a second call on Zoom or Google meet or some other longer process.

The key advantage is in reducing the number of calls before you’re presenting the clients with information. The cobrowsing extension changes your regular script a little and gives you the chance to immediately present your pitch, rather than book a second call that they might skip.

Cobrowsing extension for insurance agents to reduce the sales cycle

If you can’t meet face to face, you need a way of showing them your credentials and some form of equivalent pitch of the process during a phone call, whether they are at their desks or walking down the street.

Without some form of screensharing you could not show them your credentials, you could not show them the documents and walk through them with the client.

The cobrowsing extension is then naturally the right product whereby you send the customer a link to your custom presentation, which includes an image of your credentials, and launch into the coverage features and numbers while keeping them listening and engaged whether they are on their phone or desktop.

  1. Call the client who recently applied for insurance.

  2. Send them a cobrowsing link.

  3. When they open that link, remotely scroll them over to your credentials.

  4. Explain the rest of the policy coverage and why it's needed.

  5. Take them over to complete a form if need be or calculate numbers live if needed.

The script for a life insurance sales call, without cobrowsing, is:

“Hey there, my name is Cody, I’m your local insurance agent. You recently filled out an application for insurance where you said your favorite color is blue, is that correct? Ok great, I’ll be in your area tomorrow to present your insurance documents to you. Would tomorrow morning or afternoon be best?”

The insurance sales script with the cobrowsing extension would be

“Hey there, my name is Cody, I’m your local insurance agent. You recently filled out an application for insurance where you said your favorite color is blue, is that correct?

Ok great, I’m going to send you a link to your insurance documents which includes my credentials. Would sending it via email or text be best? Ok great, if you click that link right now, that’ll open up the page. Ok, I’ll now scroll down for you to my credentials so you know I’m a licensed agent… ”

And that’s it.

You go from a two step process to start the sales process immediately.

You scroll through the presentation for them as you speak, so they have something to look at and engage with on. You can then begin filling in application forms together or direct them to the carrier’s portal. 

Essential to the process is that the client does not need to download anything. They can just click the link or even enter in a simple URL into their browser. They don’t need to share their full desktop or any other tabs or show their face. It’s just cobrowsing through whatever web pages you choose to share. You can’t do this with Zoom or Google Meet. The cobrowsing extension is built for this exact flow.

Cobrowsing extension for the mortgage industry

The insurance process using the cobrowsing extension applies to the real estate and mortgage business also. 

Mortgage brokers want to showcase the details of the mortgage plans, understanding the client's needs, and go through the paperwork together in real-time. The cobrowsing extension offers this interactive experience. Here are the advantages:

1. Immediate presentation: Instead of setting up a second call to walk through the mortgage proposal, do it instantly. Whether the client is at home or on the move, delve into the details immediately.

2. Sales efficiency: Mortgage brokers can decrease the time and calls needed to walk a client through the mortgage process by using Upscope's cobrowsing service.

3. Ease of access: With the cobrowsing extension, mortgage professionals don't need to change anything on their website. Just an easy install of the extension is sufficient.

4. No face-to-face? No problem: If a direct meeting isn't possible, brokers can instantly show the client their credentials and present the mortgage plans over the phone.

5. Real-time walkthrough: Without screen sharing, it would be hard to showcase various mortgage documents and proposals. Cobrowsing allows brokers to share these and walk through them in real time.

6. The Process:

    - Call the client who has recently applied for a mortgage.

    - Send a cobrowsing link.

    - Once they open it, scroll them over to your credentials.

    - Navigate through the mortgage rates, plans, and terms, explaining as you go.

    - Walk them through the application or any other necessary forms.

7. Script evolution:

Typical script without cobrowsing:

“Hello, I'm Alex, your mortgage consultant. I noticed you recently inquired about mortgage plans. I'd love to discuss them further. When would be a good time for our next call?”

With cobrowsing extension:

“Hello, I'm Alex, your mortgage consultant. I noticed you recently inquired about mortgage plans. I’d like to send you a link to our mortgage details, including my credentials. Would you prefer it by email or text? If you can open the link, I'll show my state license.”

8. Engagement: As brokers scroll and present, clients are kept engaged. Together, they can review terms, start the application process, or even navigate to partner banks' portals.

9. Client-friendly: A significant advantage is the lack of downloads or invasive screen sharing needed on the client's side. By just clicking a link or typing a URL, they can view shared content. It offers a more focused and private experience than traditional video call tools.

The client does not need any technical knowledge to do this. There are no downloads or installs. There’s no setting up permissions to allow screensharing. There’s no logging in or passwords or setup. It’s just one link. One link to rule them all but without becoming Sauron. Maybe the Sauron of sales but he did do well until those meddling hobbits turned up. 

In essence, the cobrowsing extension ensures mortgage brokers and clients are on the same page, allowing for faster decision making.

Also, not everyone can make it to a home or office to have a chat. If you can replicate the good parts of face to face communication without the journey through traffic, that’s a good thing.

The cobrowsing extension for the tax industry

Upscope has a number of tax consulting / advisory services as clients. Their usage of Upscope is seasonal so it’s not for the sales process but for the actual work of advising them and helping them.

The cobrowsing extension can now give them a way to increase their client list by improving the initial sales cycle.

Typically an enquiry is made by a client or it's an incoming lead from another source. The steps after that involve calling the client, building trust, showing clients the amount they can save and proof of how that saving is made.

The process of using the extension is similar to the insurance and mortgage processes with likely the added advantage or rapidly calculating and showing them the amount they'll save.

Here's a rapid overview of how the phone call would go:

    - Call the client who has recently enquired about your tax services

    - Send them a cobrowsing link during the call, which links to your savings calculator.

    - Once they open it, ask them questions on their situation and enter that into the calculator.

    - Calculate and show them the savings live.

    - Walk them through the next steps of signing up to the service.

You might still need to set up further calls but you've already got into the pitch on the very first one and got past many of the trust, confidence and belief issues that might stop someone from joining a second call.

What’s a longer list of industries the cobrowsing extension can be used in?

  • Finance Sector:

    • Insurance agents

    • Mortgage brokers

    • Financial advisors

    • Investment brokers

  • Real Estate:

    • Real estate agents

    • Property managers

  • Healthcare:

    • Insurance claims representatives

    • Healthcare consultants

  • Education:

    • Admissions advisors

    • Online tutors

  • Legal Services:

    • Legal advisors

    • Paralegals

  • Technology and Software:

    • Software sales representatives

    • IT consultants

  • Telecommunications:

    • Sales representatives

    • Customer support agents

  • Automotive:

    • Car sales representatives

    • Insurance claims agents

  • Travel and Hospitality:

    • Travel agents

    • Reservations agents

  • Home Services:

    • Home security consultants

    • HVAC consultants

    • Solar energy consultants

  • E-commerce:

    • Online sales representatives

    • Customer support agents

  • Utility Services:

    • Customer service representatives

Get started with the extension right now

The extension is available for install and use immediately. You can run your first test now byinstalling it on the chrome store.

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