Insurance agents and claims processors need help in presenting policies,
completing forms and gathering documents and that's why they're taking up
HelloScreen Co-Browsing.
Presenting policy options
Life insurance agents, for example, have the most difficult sales process
especially in the new age of telesales. It's difficult to drag a customer onto
Zoom, get them to install or update software and finally get them on camera or
using screen sharing. Upscope allows agents and customers to see something
without being seen. They can present and interact with a pixel perfect
presentation, build trust and get on to submitting applications sooner.
A problem of forms
Even those comfortable filling in forms would take a step back at your average
claims form and naturally we all have questions.
The speed and clarity at which those questions are answered will make all the
difference to that customer's experience.
A customer experience they won't forget
There's a sense of dread when asking for support because of the expectation of
long wait times and bad support experiences.
Co-browsing is currently a unique experience for 99.9999% of the world.
Having someone instantly highlight where to click while talking you through a
process is a zen like experience getting teams 5/5 in customer support
Trust and security that financial institutions appreciate
Traditional screen sharing requires downloads and while co-browsing does not
have that issue, the key questions around co-browsing security centre on data
storage and transfer.
Financial institutions are concerned with what data is stored, how data is
transferred, who is doing that transfer, whether they can block off sensitive
fields from agents, whether they can control agent permissions and more.
Upscope is based in the heart of one of the financial capitals of the world,
London and is used by some of the largest financial institutions in the world.
See more on why Upscope is one of the most secure co-browsing
Get started with HelloScreen Co-Browsing
Contact the Upscope team via their live chat
and a member of the team will answer your
key questions.