
Why are companies using cobrowsing? See 4 key statistics.

Last updated on June 13th, 2023

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar

The benefits of putting an agent in the customer’s shoes by jointly navigating
a site may appear obvious but it’s important to see the statistics that prove
the incremental and inevitable revenue growth and savings. Below we summarise
key points from Aberdeen group’s research.

Why does it have such an impact?

It’s the key small details within co-browsing and how it’s entirely different
to normal screen sharing that lead to the key benefits.

A. Co-browsing lets you instantly see the user’s
and direct even the toughest users
through complicated interfaces. Normal screen sharing involves installs.

B. You can use your mouse to remotely highlight, scroll and click WITH the
user on their screen.

C. It’s securely limited to the user’s browser tab on which your website is.
Nothing else. No desktop pics of uncle Dilbert or strangely named folders.

If you’re new to co-browsing, read this introdution

Key statistics on benefits

1. Revenue growth

The net impact of reduced support costs and increased top-line revenue
includes boosting the customer profit margins in those businesses.

In fact, while co-browsing users achieve a 7.2% annual increase in this
key metric, others experience a minimal change of 0.2%.

2. Customer satisfaction rise

Minimizing customer effort through jointly navigating an application in real
time is helping companies accomplish far greater annual improvements in
customer satisfaction scores, compared to companies without this technology
(5.1% vs. 1.4%)

3. Reduced support costs

Companies using co-browsing enjoy a 2.4% annual improvement (decrease) in
support costs year-over-year, compared to a 0.4%

4. Greater agent utilization rate

The ability to reduce the time it takes to diagnose customer issues and
decrease handle times points to efficiency gains in the contact center.

There is a 10% greater agent utilization rate, compared to those without
it (65% vs. 59%).

See the original research by Aberdeen group


Unedited feedback on time saved by co-browsing

The HelloScreen Co-Browsing team has posted the unedited
responses to the question of 'How much time does co-browsing save you' here:

“The primary user is our onboarding team and our data shows that it cuts their
calls down from 30 mins to about 22 mins, which is fantastic.”

“It saves me hours everyday. I use it to walk all my customers through their
account. :) My account overviews went from 30-45 mins down to 20-25 mins.”

“Cumulatively, I’d say at least 1 man-hour per day.”

“My meetings used to last 30-40 minutes and they have decreased to 20-25
minutes. This has helped me make more appointments throughout the day, but
also help my clients better understand what I am showing them and answering
the question they are asking by viewing their screen.”

“20 minutes could be a good average.”

“Using Upscope is very situational, and can save us time differently in every
situation. To give you an idea it can save us up to 30 minutes, and to me
that’s a very helpful and useful!

Call time can be anywhere from 45 mins to an hour because we have to identify
the root cause of the problem, but with Upscope it allows us to see what they
are seeing and eliminate the guessing game so a 45 minute problem can now be a
15 minute problem.”

“Hi Joe - it does save around 5 minutes each call as prior to this our clients
had to give our support team access to their agreements through a different

“Saves about 5 minutes on every inbound call.”

“I use upscope quite a bit. I don’t know for other reps, but for me, it can
easily save me about 2 hours a day.”

“i dont think its about time, upscope help me to make customers understand
things that i couldnt get without this tool!”

Take a look at HelloScreen Co-Browsing
to learn more and see a video.

See some of the best cobrowsing software

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar

Pardeep overlooks growth at Upscope and loves writing about SaaS companies, customer success and customer experience.