Is your video blog constantly getting more views, likes and shares? If not, distribution is the real reason that you’re stuck right now. Gary Vaynerchuk teaches you how to promote your video content with 2 key distribution tips, that will ensure the growth of your video blog.
Key Takeaways:
Reach out to the top 100 podcasts that can promote your video blog.
Contact other blogs, with similar interest and ask if they want the rights to distribute your content.
Summary transcription
My video blog is successful, but is not growing more. I am getting sales from it, but what should I do to find that next level?
I also want more viewers and I want to keep building. Patience is the thing which is normally my answer. That’s also my answer to me, and I’m only 18 episodes in, and I’ve got to restart and rebuild an audience and get people used to behavior. There are different ways: There is Twitter, but it’s noisier and different, so I would say distribution is the real reason that you’re stuck right now. I highly recommend you say to yourself:
What are the 100 websites that are the biggest websites in the world that speak to or are in the genre of my show? Then literally email them one by one, and ask them if they want the rights to distribute your content.
Reach out to the top 100 podcasts that can promote the show. Give interviews and hustle. By being on podcasts and video blogs, you’ll get more listeners for your show from the show you were featured on.
Scale the crap out of that….
It’s all about hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, but with a thread in distribution.
You need:
You need to get the hell out there. That is the game my friend…
Related: 10 Steps to promote your content and why you should stop writing those boring school essays in your content
Also see our full content distribution series of articles by the masters here.