
Latest Post Last updated on July 6th, 2023

For Selling Life Insurance over the Phone try the Co-Browsing extension

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar
For Selling Life Insurance over the Phone try the Co-Browsing extension

You're selling security during a crisis, not insurance. How do you communicate
this to a client over the phone? The Co-Browsing extension is 5
second screen sharing built to fix this.

What's hard for clients to understand about life insurance?

The impact of an event on their partner.

The impact on their kids.

How their family might struggle to pay the mortgage.

The stress a crisis would create.

Doing this over the phone is hard.

Communicate this perfectly, over the phone, with [our


The Co-Browsing extension is for sharing your browser tab (which
contains your presentation) to their phone in 5 seconds and as you scroll
through it, they see you scrolling.

Rather than saying:

"Think of the impact on your family"

Instead engage them by saying:

"I'll show you why people get life insurance. Open the link I just sent you"

Send them one link and in 5 seconds they see what you see

They immediately see the browser tab you shared containing your presentation.

As you scroll to the next part of the presentation on your computer, they see
that movement on their phone as they listen to you.

Explaining benefits is effortless when the presentation is doing half the work
and keeping them engaged.

Fill in applications together using the Co-Browsing extension

The technology behind the Co-Browsing extension is provided by
HelloScreen which is used by finance companies to complete
applications and onboarding.

This means you can give remote control capabilities to the client to complete
applications, sign off and more.

They fill in one part of the form and confirm and you do the rest. This speeds
up the whole process 2X.

Use alongside CRMs and Powerdiallers to transform your process

The only thing you need, to share your presentation with your client, is to
send or read out to them one simple link like: helloscreen.com/123

You can enter this directly into the text messager you find built into CRM and
Powerdialler systems. You can send it within an email you send prior to the
call or during the call.

Who made the Co-Browsing extension and why?

The Co-Browsing extension was built by our team after we built a
solution for a debt relief company.

There's nothing harder than convincing someone in debt to put aside money
into a new escrow account
as part of a debt relief process.

Following significant results we built the Co-Browsing extension as a simpler
faster way for others to benefit from that same solution.

This solution applies to insurance agents, loan officers and anyone who needs
to call clients to set a meeting or sell a product.

We work with banks and finance companies globally. The Co-Browsing extension
is our latest product.

The Co-Browsing extension has just launched. Get an extended free trial.

Go here and run a test with yourself on your phone!

We'll only run the extended free trial for a little longer. You can try it
today to measure the difference it makes.

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar

Pardeep overlooks growth at Upscope and loves writing about SaaS companies, customer success and customer experience.