
Latest Post Last updated on July 6th, 2023

How Big is Your New Signup’s Traffic? Get Unique Insights using SEMRush

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar
How Big is Your New Signup’s Traffic? Get Unique Insights using SEMRush

When someone signs up and you want to find out if they’re a big company and
how much traffic they’re getting and where from, you need
It tells you where they’re at, where they’re going and the sort of key words
their blog posts target which in turn tells you some of their underlying

Related: Everyone Doing Content Marketing Should Look at

Today I’ve been using SEMRush to evaluate a list of customer success software

The company I’m looking at right now is

shows for ClientSuccess.com


Let's put our Sherlock Holmes cap on and analyse them

They’re competing against companies like Gainsight and Totango as they’re
listed in the paid key words section.

They doubled their traffic from around February 2018, likely due to being
involved in Saastr Annual 2018 as it’s a high ranking backlink of theirs.



  1. They rank first for the term ‘client success’ and are fifth for ‘customer

I’ve noticed that more and more companies are using the term ‘client success
manager’ so this is a good domain name for the long run.

As they rank well for ‘customer success’, they’ve probably got a good blog
mentioning those keywords and their home page both states those keywords and
keeps users reading once they get there.


How does this help our team at Upscope?

It tells us a few things that we could not easily figure out from Linkedin or
a general Google search.

  1. They’re growing and strongly positioned for further growth.

  2. We know they recently grew from Saastr Annual and probably have double the
    number of leads to deal with.

  3. We know who their competitors are, what sort of search terms bring their
    users to their site and so roughly what outcomes their users are looking for.

  4. We can combine all this information and and give them a better demo of our
    own product because we know where they are, where they're going and what
    problems they might have.

  5. We can approach them for co-marketing efforts because we know which
    keywords they wish to rank for. We can submit a guest post to them that helps
    nail the type of traffic they want and that we'd also like to get.

This information is also great for approaching them for business development
and marketing. For example, let's say we wanted to write a guest post they'd
be interested in adding to their blog which would give us an important back
link. We could target specific keywords they might be weak on and wish to

We pay $99 / month for
and use it daily for both blogging and for analysis like this.

Related: A conversation that nails how customer success and sales

Also read: What’s the process for selling SaaS to

Pardeep Kullar
Pardeep Kullar

Pardeep overlooks growth at Upscope and loves writing about SaaS companies, customer success and customer experience.