
Latest Post Last updated on June 13th, 2023

3 Ways to Write Content That Will Go Viral

Natasha Hoke
Natasha Hoke
3 Ways to Write Content That Will Go Viral

When you publish an article, you want lots of views on it. It’s not as simple
as hoping it will do well without a push. Discover Neil Patel’s 3 ways on
writing content that is guaranteed to get attention.

This article is part of the ‘How To Create a Viral Video for Your Boring
’ series
by Upscope, a service to effortlessly
guide website visitors from sign up to purchase using modern instant screen


  • You want to write content that generates a tonne of social shares… That is
    the WRONG thinking. Content does affect the amount of social shares you’re

  • When I get lots of likes on Facebook and re-tweets, I am getting LESS
    TRAFFIC. This means that people aren’t even reading my content and are sharing
    it ahead of time.

It’s not about the content, it’s about the headline. 8/10 might read your
headline. But only 2/10 read your article. If you want to generate more social
shares, it is all about the headline.

1.Make sure your headline is around 5–7 words.

2.Use adjectives like Effortlessly. Everyone wants the easy route.

3.Create some mystery: “10 Benefits of Green Tea. Number 6 will shock you.”
Everyone now wants to know what number 6 in that list is! Don’t trick them
though.. You want your audience to be happy when they read number 6 otherwise
they won’t trust you.

Use Upscope to see your user’s screen from live chat,
instantly. It works with Intercom, LiveChat, Olark, Drift, Zendesk and more.

Natasha Hoke
Natasha Hoke

Natasha Hoke was Upscope's head of marketing.